Cator Sparks wrote a piece on Full Frontal Fashion about this short photo roman (film created from still photographs) I made with Paul Marlow from Loden Dager with a voice over by Michael Beauplet.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My friends in Provincetown have a 1969 Jeepster. On the last sunday of summer we let some air out of the tires and took it over the dunes and drove it right out on the beach by the Racepoint Lighthouse.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I love this vintage photo site. Shorpy Higginbotham is this guy's name and the image is from 1910. They put a few new photos with captions up every day. It's a great mixture of industrial scapes, workers, travel and more.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lake of the Woods — Trailer Interior
Growing up, my grandparents owned a fishing resort up in northern Minnesota on the Lake of the Woods. Looking across the water you could see Canada just a few thousand feet away. The hodge podge group of cabins for rent included tiny 1 room shacks and a few hand me down trailer homes, all decorated in furnishings, bedding and kitchen supplies from the fifties and sixties. The resort is gone, but this trailer is on their property up there and it is still frozen in time. I hear the raccoons are trying to make it their home now.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I don't love the iPhone 3G camera
Here's a rare example of difficult lighting making a great photo and I know this is an extreme example but most of the time if the light is anywhere in the 180 degrees in front of me the exposure looks like I'm shooting day for night. And of course the resolution is too low. I know some of these are fixed in the 3Gs but until I'm eligible for the subsidized upgrade next may I'm stuck. I know I'm impatient.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Jump Shot
And also a verical shot. It's funny to think how I used to only want to shoot horizontally and then work came and it needed to almost always be vertically. Now i find myself wanting to crop and make things even more square. But still like it when the whole frame is good.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Little Ramble by Robert Walser
I come back to this short short story text again and again. I love the idea of walking slowly and looking around intently. It's how I sometimes feel when I am having the best time making photographs.
A Little Ramble
I walked through the mountains today. The weather was damp, and the entire region was gray. But the road was soft and in places very clean. At first I had my coat on, soon, however, I pulled it off, folded it together, and laid it upon my arm. The walk on the wonderful road gave me more and ever more pleasure; first it went up and then descended again. The mountains were huge, they seemed to go around. The whole mountainous world appeared to me like an enormous theater. The road snuggled up splendidly to the mountainsides. Then I came down into a deep ravine, a river roared at my feet, a train rushed past me with magnificent white smoke. The road went through the ravine like a smooth white stream, and as I walked on, to me it was as if the narrow valley were bending and winding around itself. Gray clouds lay on the mountains as though that were their resting place. I met a young traveler with a rucksack on his back, who asked if I had seen two other young fellows. No, I said. Had I come here from very far? Yes, I said, and went farther on my way. Not a long time, and I saw and heard the other young wanderers pass by with music. A village was especially beautiful with humble dwellings set thickly under the white cliffs. I encountered a few carts, otherwise nothing, and I had seen some children on the highway. We don’t need to see anything out of the ordinary. We already see so much.
- Robert Walser, 1914
Monday, September 21, 2009
Why We Travel: Readers' Photos in the New York Times
The Times invited readers to send in photographs from their summer vacation along with a caption for the image. There are over a thousand photographs and I've had the tab open on my browser for several days now.
Editing old photos

Always seems to take so much energy or at least a large amount of will power to get me started going through old images. Hopefully once I begin it will get easier.
Ok, here goes!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Summer is passing
Feels like the energy all around is in a transitional state from summer to fall and people seem edgy to let go of the beautiful weather. Or maybe I'm just projecting. Here's a little imperfectly stitched panorama from Hatches Harbor in Provincetown taken in mid August but the poison ivy is changing color so it's kind of a transitional picture.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
The National Parks - America's Best Idea
I'm so excited about this new series by Ken Burns coming to PBS. The footage looks incredible.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
sRGB...color profile
SO I've been having trouble keeping my color spaces aligned between applications so that i can get the best true (to my eye) color both when i look at things on my computer and then when they are online. Finally i think I've figured it out, at least for now. I have my camera raw dialogue and photoshop set the the sRGB IE...blah blah blah color profile setting. see top image as compared with the ADOBE RGB (1998) below it.
UPDATE: I've found out that most printing should be done in Adobe RGB 1998 but i still think jpegs look better online with the sRGB... profile. It never ends.
UPDATE: I've found out that most printing should be done in Adobe RGB 1998 but i still think jpegs look better online with the sRGB... profile. It never ends.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Loden Dager Lookbook shoot
Back stage at Loden Dager SS10 fashion show I set up lights and did a quick lookbook shoot right before the models went on. Here are couple shots.

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
To The Editor
These are 3 videos I've made with the actor James Lecesne. They premiered at a video show on Friday at the Schoolhouse Gallery in Provincetown, MA. They are all real letters written to The Provincetown Banner, the local paper. The reactions have been excellent and I think we have some interesting material on our hands. Stay tuned for more!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I spent the most incredible time in Alaska with my 7 month old godson and couldn't have been more happy than if I was stuck in the room with him all day but i was able to see the most incredible landscapes and I can't wait to return.

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